You Won't Drown - Jesus is in the Boat
NOVEMBER 20, 2020

Jesus rebukes the wind and speaks to the waves. Mark 4:35-41 (NIVUK)
The evening has come, so after Jesus has ministered to the people in parables, he says to the disciples to leave from where they were and to go over to the other side. So, leaving the crowd behind them, the disciples did as Jesus suggested, and they took him in the boat. Other boats were with them as they were going to the other side. This passage of scripture is such a blessing to me because it reveals Jesus’ humanity. Yes, Jesus was divine, but he was human as well. He has ministered to people, and now he needs to rest. We must never forget that rest is essential in your kingdom assignment. If Jesus rested, then so should we. While Jesus and the disciples are on the move, others traveled with them as they went along. There will be people in your life that will be drawn to your ministry like they were to Jesus’ ministry, and they will follow you, some because they want to change and others just to be nosey, but they are going to follow.
As they continued, a furious weather phenomenon that includes rain, hail, or thunder came up, and the waves that accompanied it began to fill up the boat with water. Jesus was sleeping in the back of the boat when the disciples came to wake him, and they asked him, Teacher, don’t you care if we drown? You cannot drown while Jesus is on your boat; yes, the rain will come, and the hail and the thunder, but Jesus is with you through them all. Jesus gets up, and he rebukes the wind, and he says to the waves QUIET! BE STILL! So, the wind dies down, and it is entirely calm; this same Jesus that spoke to the weather phenomenon then is the same Jesus that is with you now. Yes, he may have been sleeping, but Jesus is available when you call him. Jesus asks the disciples, why are you so afraid? Where is your faith? While Jesus is on your boat, you need to know the amount of trust you have. The disciples were terrified and asked each other, who is this man, that the wind and waves obey him! Don’t fear the maker of all creation is in your boat; you can’t drown, you won’t drown.
Father God, in the mighty name of Jesus, first let me say thank You for being on my boat. I give You glory, honor, and praise for being the God who does not sleep, nor do You slumber, but You are ever-present to assist me with all that I must face or go through. I honor You because of your sovereignty. I don’t know where I would be without You. Thank You, Jesus, for leaving an example in the earth realm of how I should rest. Because it is essential for my natural and spiritual health, I am honored that You are never too tired or busy to teach me. “I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me [I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency]” Philippians 4:13 (AMPC).
Thank You because now I know who You really are. Jesus, the son of the living God, Jesus the 2nd person of the triune God head, Jesus the God who sits at the Father’s right hand, making intercession for me. I’m so grateful to have You in my life. Hallelujah, I am not alone.
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