You Can Always Go Home - The Prodigal Son
NOVEMBER 5, 2020

Luke 15:11-32
Luke 5:17
But when he came to himself, he said ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have more than enough bread but I perish here with hunger! (18) I will arise and go to my father, and I will say to him, ”Father I have sinned against heaven and before you.
Luke 15:32
It was fitting to celebrate and be glad, for this your brother was dead, and is alive, he was lost, and is found.”
The story of the Lost Son is by far my favorite Bible parable. This story is about a father of two sons. One day the youngest comes to the father asking for his inheritance. The father does not hesitate and does as his son request. The son leaves home with hopes of living a life I’m sure of vast adventure. Being young and foolish, the son goes and squanders all his fortune. This causes him to hit rock bottom. One day while in the pig pen he has an epiphany. The Bible said that for a moment he came to himself. For a moment, he realized I deserve better than what I am currently accepting. He arises and makes up in his mind that I will go home to my Father. If I must be a servant, it is better than what I have succumb to. The Father seeing his son afar off is filled with joy, and instruct his servants to get a robe, a ring, and kill a calf to celebrate the return of his son. When the son finally meets his father, he is adorned with gifts. The return home was not the perceive walk of shame the son expected, the decision to go home to the “Father” was rewarded with restoration.
Whenever I read this story, I am reminded of how faithful the Father is even during my times of unfaithfulness. Like the younger son I have gone astray seeking what I thought was a more exciting life. Like the son, I have squandered the fortune that the Father initially gave me. I have reached rock bottom and like the son I had to come to the realization of how much better life is at my Father’s house. On my return home, I was not ridiculed by him, but I was restored and loved back into his arms. I am sure my brothers or sister were a bit envious of my return, and felt I was unworthy of the Fathers adoration, just as the elder brother was in our parable. However, the Father quickly reminded the older son that his labor was not unnoticed, nor would it go unrewarded but the fact that what was lost, was now home was worth celebrating. Until you have been in a place where the slop was welcomed, you may not truly understand the parable, but I am so glad to know that I can always go home!
Father God we thank You for Your love and grace. We give You honor for this reminder that we can always come to You. Even when we feel as if we are not worthy of sonship and are content with just being a servant, your plan always includes restoring us back to where we belong. Father forgive us for our foolish endeavors and help us to strive toward the plan You have purposed in us. Create in us a clean heart and renew the right spirt within us and continue to mold and shape us in Your likeness, we pray these things in Jesus Name…. and it is so.
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