Where's My Coat?
NOVEMBER 4, 2020

Genesis 37
The bible story I will consider a favorite for this month is the story of Joseph beginning in the book of Genesis chapter 37. This is “my version” Joseph was his dads favorite because he was born when his dad was old. We don’t know what his father had to endure for Joseph to exist, however his dad made it known and everyone was not that happy about it. Joseph had step brothers that he occasionally snitched on when they had done something wrong which made it worst for him cause they already didn’t like him cause he was the favorite child and he had a jacket to prove it. And to top it off he had a gift of dreaming.
I feel like he prematurely released his dream to his brothers not because he was trying to be shady but because he was immature and a little naïve about just how gifted he was. A lot of times God places things in us and because we may not have a mentor or knowledge of the power we posses through Christ we release things to soon. But the thing is his brothers also had a gift and I say that because they knew what the dream meant and became angry. Sometimes we can’t walk in our own gift because we are too consumed with how others handle theirs. I bind the spirit of jealousy right now in the name of Jesus.
So the story seems to take a turn for the worst when the brothers make it appear that he died but have sold him into slavery. But the way my God works Joseph finds favor but gets falsely accused and goes to jail where he again finds favor and uses his gift to interpret a dream. He then waits two years until his name is mentioned and he gets to chill with Pharaoh and rule over stuff. Now this is where it gets good cause now his dream from years ago is now coming to pass and he comes in contact with his brothers who in fact need him. Instead of yelling I told ya’ll this was gonna happen he forgives them after first making sure everyone was alive and well. He was a little shady in how he checked for them but let’s just say he was the originator of catfishing (basically where you meet someone but don’t disclose your true self until you know their motives – some people are ashamed and sometimes they just rude).
Remember this is “my version” however all is well and he is reunited with his family and they basically talk it out.
But the story just hits home cause at times we are just so excited about what God is doing in our lives we forget about discernment and tell too much which in a way re-routes God’s plan and most of the time it makes our journey a little more difficult. Mind you God will still show favor in our life because He is just that good. My lessons from this story are as followed.
Know your gifts and don’t change for others around you because God gave you a task. (Wear your Coat of many colors unapologetically).
Don’t be so quick to release what God has shown you to others – they ain’t ready and probably don’t like you anyways.
Our time is not God’s time, He knows when we are ready and what we can handle.
God I thank You for my gifts and I thank You that You know what I need and when I need it. I ask that You pour out the spirit of forgiveness to us that have been done wrong so that we can move forward in love as we live to please You. I bind the spirit of jealously and the spirit of weakness right now in the name of Jesus. Help us to stand flat footed and proclaim Your word just like You give it to us. Continue to cover Your people and loose blessings even in the midst of what it may look like we know that You are still God and You are in control, and for that we give You praise. In Jesus name, Amen!
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