This Pandemic is Not for Nothing!
“Be careful then how you live, not as unwise people but as wise, making the most of the time, because the days are evil. So, do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.” Ephesians 5:15-17
A God’s Truth Moment
This Covid-19 pandemic is an undeniable spiritual wake-up call for all of us no matter what our spiritual beliefs or religious convictions are. It is reminding us that life is short, precious and sometimes full of uncertainties. And if the uproar of the virus does not get our spiritual attention, I don’t know what will. For typically we tend to only reach out to God in times of unbearable troubling life events. And if there is ever time, this is the time to seek God while He can be found. For this pandemic is not for nothing.
The Covid-19 pandemic brings us many opportunities for personal and spiritual growth. Social distancing, self-isolation, and quarantine are creating a unique opportunity for us to intensify our daily spiritual disciplines, and rekindle our relationship with God.
We must take advantage of our idle days spent in isolation to reap valuable lessons about the true meaning of love, compassion, kindness, humility, integrity, faith, hope, courage, perseverance, and especially forgiveness. Some of us will experience intense grief and bereavement that will rekindle our faith in this time, or cause us to find new purpose in our lives.
The disruption of our normal routine and the suffering of loss, offers us a period of divine grace to truly reconsider our core morals, values and beliefs, as well as the meaning and purpose of our lives. We should make the most of this opportunity, for it is a gift of grace.
Everything we experience in life has spiritual significance. Nothing is ever random or a coincidence, or for nothing, every moment matters. And right now, we are going through a significant moment; a spiritual growth spurt; a great worldwide awakening. How we recover and heal from this pandemic united, and how we apply the spiritual truths it has so unpleasantly thrust upon us, remains to be seen.
Meanwhile, let us all take this pandemic as an opportunity to repent before God, while committing ourselves anew to living God’s Truths, and making Christ the center of our lives. (2 Chron. 7:14) Remembering the words of the Apostle Paul to “redeem the time.” (Eph. 5:16). We must take advantage of the time we’ve been given to earnestly pray, seek God, and turn from ungodly living.
No matter how this pandemic may impact our lives, always remember in any given situation, to focus on the things we can control. Even though we cannot always choose all our circumstances, how we think and feel about any given situation is always our choice. Life is not always easy, or fair but fear, self-pity, or feeling defeated is not the way to deal with it. Stay strong and move forward one day at a time. This too shall pass!
Now is possibly the best opportunity most of us will ever have to become true, Christ-centered, individuals, who really care for others, and truly love God. By looking beyond our own fear, our own loneliness, and our own despair, we can become servants for ushering in the Kingdom of God. Being mindful God has a purpose and a plan for all that He allows to happens. This pandemic is not for nothing!
Our Father in Heaven, Thank You for each day that You give to us on earth. You’ve instructed us to be wise in times such as these as we go forth making the most of it. Strengthen us to move boldly as Your Spirit guides us. When the world is in chaos and there are so many reasons to fear, God make us bold to trust You and to know that everything will be okay. We pray for an end to the suffering of so many people around the world. God use this pandemic as the means by which we see real change in our heart. We want to come out of this with a renewed commitment to making a difference in our world. That the joy of Christ will be spread to our family, to our neighbors, to our community, and even into all the world. In Jesus’ Name.
In His Hands,

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