The Story of Job - I Was Considered
NOVEMBER 22, 2020

Job 1:1
There was a man in the land of Uz whose name was Job, and that man was blameless and upright, one who feared God and turned away from evil.
Job 1:20-22
Then Job arose and tore his robe and shaved his head and fell on the ground and worshiped. And he said, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” In all this Job did not sin or charge God with wrong.
March 26, 2020, I lost my beloved father, Aaron, to that demon COVID 19. 6 days later I lost my Aunt, my father’s oldest sister, Jannie Mae. 4 days after that I lost my Uncle, my mother’s oldest brother, William (Sonny). A few weeks ago, I lost yet another Uncle, another one of my mother’s brothers William (Cream). Not to mention only 3 short years ago, I lost my Queen Bee Mama Rose Lee. Life has not always been a bed of roses for my family and I. People get tickled when I say, “I Betta Be Thankful”. God promised us all as believers that he would never leave us nor forsake up. As a people we have choices. We can choose to collapse and have a pity party, or we can choose to pick up the fragmented pieces and create a new masterpiece.
Does it feel good to suffer? No! Does it make us feel a sense of accomplishment to have to go through or to endure uncomfortable places? Of course not!! Does it feel good for someone to lose everything and everyone that ever meant anything to them? Absolutely not!!! God will sustain us during pain, suffering, and/or agony. Albeit, the Lord wants us to count it all joy because suffering produces patience. The Lord will sustain each of us for His purposes and for His glory. As a people, 2020 continues to hurdle weapons of adversity towards us. We have dealt with the crushing punch of COVID-19, followed by a closed fist bout from Political Adversity and then an upper cut from Black Lives Matter. All of those pandemics slithered right into the lives of all of us during 2020. Might I add that all three of them were disrespectful because none of them asked our permission to come and cause so much strife and disharmony in all of our lives.
Through all of our trials and misfortunes, we have to learn how to trust God in spite of what our view looks like from atop the mountains of despair. God has a solution for every situation and for every care and concern of our lives. God has a love that is perfect and divine for each of us. We face hardships, conflict, and disarray daily and at times it may even seem as though its minute by minute with the selfish and inattentive cares of this life but as a people we have been granted a profound way of escape by simply trusting in the astounding power of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
I have come to the conclusion that the devil is not going to let up. I have also concluded “Why should he”. He is doing just what he is supposed to do. We as believers should follow suit and keep that same mind set. We must continue to pray, fight, cover, repent, love, encourage, did I mention love. The point is for us to do just what we are supposed to as well. Even in my disbelief I shall trust God to be at the top of every mountain and at the bottom of every one of my valleys. Valley. Though trials come, they also go. Seasons of Life have times to glow and flourish, yet there are Seasons of Life that also cause purging and pruning. As believers, we must hold on to God’s unchanging hand and weather each storm. Life is but a Vapor, But God.
Father who continues to sit high and look low, Thank You once again for the Good, the Bad and the Indifferent in our lives. Lord help us to trust You to govern every instance of our being. Lord even when we know the path to take, we shall still trust you to lead us and protect us. Walk with us God. Talk with us God. Continue to be a never-ending story in this journey we call Life. When it seems, our backs are pressed against the wall, enable us to trust You because “We Have Been Considered”. When we have been barcoded into today’s wave of emotions, enable us to trust You because we have Purpose. When friends dwindle away and loved ones are scarce, enable us to trust You because we have been considered for a purpose. We shall continue to bless You Lord because You are forever worthy to be Praised. “To Be Considered” by Our Father.
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