The Call to Purpose

Romans 8:28 (KJV)
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
As I look back over my life I am reminded of many things that I didn’t necessarily see God in at the time that it was happening. Many pains, disappointments, heart aches, rejections, and a long list of other unfortunate events. Many times I had been left with a feeling of worthlessness and more & more thinking – how is it that God would be able to use me to help others – when it was clear that I needed help myself. Surely He would perfectly align me 1st – so that I could be flawlessly effective in the call ahead.
But it didn’t take long for me to realize that in the flesh – perfection – could never be a prerequisite to walking in purpose – for none would make the journey if it was.
Purpose is all about predestination and nothing at all about perfection. Ephesians 1:11says, “we are predestined according to the plan of Him who works out every thing in conformity with the purpose of His will.”
You see God’s purpose for us is not an afterthought. It was settled before the foundation of the world. So that means that God is clear about every good, bad, ugly, and indifferent thing that would circle us back to His purpose for our lives. Even when it didn’t seem like it made sense, it was all a part of the predestined plan – from the beginning of time.
God has never been unclear on how He could use us in spite of our misfortunes & imperfections. And once we have settled in the fact that every piece of the puzzle is needed – (the good, the bad, the ugly, and indifferent) – to complete the big picture – no longer will we be either.
When He predestined us – He called us! When He called us – He justified us. When He justified us – He glorified us.
And when He glorified us – He said – “It Is Finished”.
That meant NO MATTER what – it would WORK for GOOD.
So in ALL that we go THROUGH – and in spite of – the many times and ways that we find ourselves needing a little polishing – be clear on this one thing WE are STILL CALLED TO PURPOSE – to be:
Purpose Pushers
Calling Coaches
Destiny Drivers
(Spiritual) Baby Birth”ers”
Legacy Leaders
Mission Ministers
Vision Vessels
We are Called to Purpose – to help Call (others) to Purpose.
Father in the name of Jesus, many have not FULLY said “here I am Lord – USE ME” – for they do not see the value in themselves that You have predestined since the foundation of the world. But we pray that you open their eyes to themselves in the LIGHT of PURPOSE! Help them to see the completed puzzle of the good, the bad, the ugly, & the indifferent. Give them an unrest of desire to be ALL that you PREDESTINED them to be. And when our Call to Purpose pleases You – in due time we will hear “It Is Finished – Well Done”!
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