The Best Is Yet To Come
NOVEMBER 2, 2020

John 2:10 (NIV)
Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now.
I have an announcement…You are cordially invited to a wedding feast where the Word of God is the main course, your beverage is living water that brings life to your very soul and the dessert is the hope of eternity spent with Jesus. Will you attend?
This passage of scripture is familiar to both saved and unsaved people because the focus is on how Jesus turned water into wine and how they use this event to justify their partaking in the beverage. You know what I’m talking about.
But I want to direct your attention on not only the first miracle but to some rich spiritual nuggets that we can glean from God’s Word!
How befitting that Jesus begins His ministry with the acceptance of an invitation to a wedding. I don’t know about you but I love attending weddings. Why? Because it is a joyous occasion to be a part of and witnessing a couple’s love for one another and it is a reminder for those of us who are married, of the love we shared on that day. It may even rekindle a love that has gone dim. From a spiritual perspective, it also reminds us of our zeal when we first came to Christ and our need to fan the flames of our love for Jesus and our willingness to commit to the relationship on this side of Heaven.
So, in chapter 1 in the book of John, John the Baptist and Jesus are introduced and then Jesus begins gathering the first six disciples while in and around Bethany. Then, together, they take a three-day journey to Cana of Galilee. In Chapter 2 the introduction continues in the form of two major events, the miracle of turning water into wine and then, the cleansing of the temple.
1 On the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there,
2 and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. 3 When the wine was gone, Jesus’ mother said to him, “They have no more wine.”
It is apparent that Jesus’ mother was aware that, to fail in proper hospitality was a serious offense.
In reading verses 1-10, I gleaned the following five (5) points:
Point #1: Pay Attention – In Isaiah 48:18 If only you had paid attention to my commands, your peace would have been like a river, your well-being like the waves of the sea.
Paying attention to what is going on around you both naturally and spiritually is important. In this season, praying for spiritual discernment is key so that we may have the ability to recognize truth from error and/or discerning when a teaching or a plan fits in with God’s will. When planning, you need to pray first and allow God to be a part of the process to avoid embarrassment.
Case in point, Mary was trying to circumvent a potential embarrassing moment for this family.
Point #2: Let Your Words Show Love -Sometimes, we can be abrupt in our conversations with our fellow brothers and sisters. Coupled with our body language, we may send off vibes that may have people question, “Where is the love?”
Yes, Jesus did say to his mother, “Woman, why do you involve me?” Sounds a little abrupt, right? But in the Greek there is not a word for “dear” and actually this was a term of endearment.
Point #3: The Right Time – Jesus says in verse 4b, “My hour has not yet come.” Sometimes, we are so anxious in our quest to be elevated to a higher position, or acquire things, or to be somewhere, but timing is everything. We have to learn to bloom where we are planted because in that journey to wherever God is taking us, we are learning life lessons that will make us effective in the assignment that God has for us. We can not fathom how many times that God has saved our lives such as the many times just by being late for work or an appointment, we have passed by a horrific car accident that could have involved us. All we can say is thank you Lord!
Point #4: Following Instructions – Mary saw the bigger picture because she was confident that the son that she conceived supernaturally, could do supernatural things so she tells the servants, do whatever he tells you. Guess what? They do it.
We often talk about our men and their ability to put things together yet there are some women who have the aptitude to put things together as well. Sometimes, we will look at the instructions for putting something together and then toss them because we feel we can be successful without them. Maybe, maybe not. How many times do we get instructions from God through His Word, decide to go our own way and fail?
Jesus tells the servants take six stone water jugs that were used for ceremonial washing. Jews became ceremonially defiled during the normal circumstances of daily life and were cleansed by pouring water over the hands. For a lengthy feast with many guests, a large amount of water was required for this purpose.
The question what is defiling us where we need to be washed in the blood and what traditions are we holding on to that is preventing us in walking in the newness of life?
The last two vv. 9 & 10 leads us to–
Point 5: Miracles Still Happen! –
If you were able to reach out and touch the person’s hand reading this and squeeze it, you would be holding the hand of miracle. You may not know their story but God has performed miracles in that woman, that man, that child that you would be absolutely amazed at. Even if you are unable to think of miracles that you have witnessed, just think of the miracle of life itself.
9 and the master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine. He did not realize where it had come from, though the servants who had drawn the water knew. Then he called the bridegroom aside 10 and said, “Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now.”
As the Master of the banquet tasted the water turned into wine, the servants were standing waiting with baited breath for his reaction; as they knew where it came from. He lets us know that it was customary for the best wine to be served first and the cheaper one last because by that time people were too drunk to notice. He exclaims, you have saved the best till now.
We thank You JESUS for coming to deliver us so that we would have the best as Kingdom children. You are the Bridegroom and we are the bride and all that You came to do, in the fullness of time, You accomplished.
We pray, in the name of Jesus, that we must take time to engage in social activities because You may present an opportunity for us to share the love that You so graciously gave to us.
We pray that we look beyond the mundane activities of this world and understand the bigger mission of sharing the gospel (good news) to the lost.
Despite the trials and tribulations we may go through: Little to no money, broken-hearted, abandoned, rejected, depressed, stressed, suicidal, lack of love for others or love of God, children, spouse, family members acting like they have lost their minds, aches and pains, that we know that You are coming back and You will not leave Your bride at the altar. Regardless of how dark the valley may seem, there is light at the end of the tunnel and know that the BEST IS YET TO COME! In the name of Jesus we pray with thanksgiving. Amen!
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