Spiritual Food For Our Soul
NOVEMBER 30, 2020

Luke 1: 41-42 (NIV)
41 When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. 42 In a loud voice she exclaimed: “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear!
As we enter into a joyous and most celebrated season all over the world, millions gather to worship a wonderful Savior, Jesus Christ. I’ve always loved the story when Mary visited Elizabeth both were with child, both mighty women of God and how Elizabeth’s baby leaped in her womb when she heard the voice of Mary and how she was filled with the Holy Spirit. I’m sure Elizabeth felt astonished and favored by God after the truth was told. Both chosen by God to birth the forerunner of Jesus and the Savior of the world. Oh, what a blessing and a privilege, only a great God can perform such a miracle.
I can only imagine how both women of faith rejoiced, worshiped, and glorified the Lord when they heard the good news. We should be filled the same way with the Holy Spirit and rejoice in His word when we hear the voice of God. The scripture states that Mary rejoiced for the Mighty One has done great things for me. I challenge women of faith today to pattern our lives after both women to remain faithful to our Lord because we are blessed to know that a Savior and forerunner of Christ was born to cover not just some of our sins but all sins of the world.
More importantly Jesus was born in a feeding trough a place where animals go for food to nourish their physical bodies. Jesus laid there in a manger as a symbol of where we can go for spiritual food to feed our spiritual soul. We all can still approach Him anytime anywhere today and never go hungry because Jesus feeds us with the Word and He wants us to chew on it slowly, swallow, and digest it to make it a part of our everyday lives. Jesus’ Word is like no other food, it has the power to save, heal, deliver and set us free from all kinds of sins so we can live an everlasting life with Him eternally.
Oh God let us not just come to You for food to feed our physical body but to desire spiritual food to nourish our spiritual soul. Amen
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