Rejected, But Still Used By God
NOVEMBER 7, 2020

Genesis – Chapter 29
When we think of some of the greatest stories of victory in the Bible, we rarely think of our girl, Leah. I think that Leah’s story is one that can inspire us all. To witness a woman be overlooked and unwanted and still grow in God and find a reason to honor Him gives me confidence in being the underdog.
As the story goes, Isaac sends Jacob to find a wife. Isaac advises Jacob to go and see his uncle Laban about marrying one of his daughters. When Jacob finally arrives, he sees Rachel herding the flock. Rachel has no idea who he is, and Jacob only recognizes her after he asks one of the other shepherds at the well. So, after Jacob tells Rachel who he is and how they are related, she takes him to her father, Laban. Laban is excited to see Jacob because he was his own fleshing blood, his sister, Rebekkah’s, son.
Of course, we all know that Jacob’s agenda is to find a wife from Laban’s house. After about a month, Laban tells Jacob that he doesn’t think it is good for Jacob to work for him and not get paid. So, Laban asks Jacob how much he thinks his wages should be. Keep in mind, Laban has two daughters, Rachel, the youngest, and Leah, the oldest. Jacob doesn’t find Leah attractive. The King James Version states that Leah’s eyes were “tender.” The New Living translation says that there was no “sparkle” in Leah’s eyes. However, Rachel is described as “beautiful and favored.” As expected, Jacob falls in love with Rachel. So, he agrees with Laban that he will work for seven years to earn Rachel in marriage. The Bible says that Jacob’s love was so strong that it only felt like a few days.
Seven years pass, and Jacob reminds Laban of their agreement. Laban prepares a wedding feast and invites everyone in the area. After the wedding, Laban plays a trick on Jacob. Instead of taking Rachel, he takes Leah to Jacob. They consummate the marriage, and the next morning Jacob realizes that it was Leah, not Rachel. So, Jacob goes to see Laban. When He asks Laban about his trickery, Laban reminds him of the custom of the firstborn being the first to marry. Then, he tells Jacob that he will have to work another seven years if he wants to marry Rachel too. Jacob agrees. He works seven more years, and he earns Rachel.
Over time, Leah begins to feel unloved and unwanted. Verse 31 states, “When the Lord saw that Leah was unloved, He enabled her to have children.” God saw her condition, and He opened her womb for her to bear children. This gave me a great revelation. Even in our deepest hurts and broken hearted moments, God still gives us hope. Don’t believe for one minute that God doesn’t see and know everything that you’re going through. Not only does he see actions, but He sees your heart and recognizes every emotion that flows inside of it. There’s not one thing that has happened or is happening in your life right now that God doesn’t know about. Rest in that. He’s a promise keeper, and He’ll fulfill every promise that He made to you.
Leah became pregnant and gave birth to her first son, Reuben. She thought that giving birth to Jacob’s first child, a son, would win his love. Love doesn’t work that way. God has modeled for us that love is freely given. Leah soon became pregnant two more times giving birth to Simeon and Levi. She thought again that surely three sons would win her husband’s love. It didn’t happen. Leah became pregnant and gave birth to another son. This time was a little different. See, after you’ve taken enough stuff, felt less than, unloved, unwanted, rejected, not pretty enough, not smart enough, not tall enough, not slim enough, not educated enough, not cultured enough, not light enough, etc., you get pushed closer and closer to God. You are cast out by yourself, and you have no choice but to spend more time with Him. Time is the best potion in a relationship, because time develops feelings and emotions. Time forces you to grow up together, improve together, and love even stronger than you ever imagined that your heart could love.
After going through so many disappointments, Leah clearly learned to put her faith in God. So, after birthing this baby, she named him Judah, because she said that she would then praise the Lord. She understood that God remembered her. He restored her faith and gave her a praise. That’s just how God works. He sometimes allows us to experience rejection to separate us. He cannot bring new things when we’re still surrounded by old things. He can’t put new wine in old wine skins. He will surround us with the right people, the right home, the bright career, the right church family after we let go of our lives, give Him full control, and give Him honor and praise.
In Leah’s distress, God still used her to birth a portion of the twelve tribes. Her sons were a part of a special lineage. It’s amazing to me that someone who can be rejected by people can still be chosen and used by God. If you have ever faced rejection, you know that it does not feel good. It hurts. I can only imagine how Leah felt. However, I just believe that it drew her closer to God. Sis, whatever it is, let it draw you closer to God.
God, help us to find the blessing in being rejected. Give us wisdom and understanding to accept Your will in what we go through. We know that You use rejection to draw us closer to You. Give us the spirit of Leah, and let us find our Judah praise. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
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