Not Just Verified.....But Established

Colossians 2:7 (The Passion Translation)
Your spiritual roots go deeply into His life as you are continually infused with strength, encouraged in every way. For you are established in the faith you have absorbed and enriched by your devotion to Him!
I recently saw a young lady on social media and she was excited to have received a blue check by her name on her account. That blue check symbolized that she was verified on that particular social media site that she is now considered a public figure. She was excited because that blue check meant that she met the criteria in order to be verified. She has proven that she has a substantial number of followers and is active on her account.
In today’s digital world that is an accomplishment for those who wish to become famous and/or have other doors open for them in the entertainment business. People put in a lot of time and effort to make videos and edit them to get their point across. Social media is not only a platform for comedians but singers and other artists as well. Some actually make a living from the fame they have through social media. While some people “break the internet” and go viral overnight others take it very seriously.
As I watched her video she acknowledged how she appreciated others who subscribed and followed her from the beginning. It was nice that she recognized her supporters. Some of the same people that could tear her down if she said or did something they did not like.
I just thought how glad I am that God is not like man. While she was excited to be verified I’m just thankful that I am established and I give God all the praise. It’s different but similar- see we both had to do some work, we both spent time studying and understanding what we were focused on and I’m sure we both are still open to learning more on a daily basis. However, I am giving all the glory to God who has full control over my life.
I’m not sure of the young lady’s personal faith but I’m using the example of what I witnessed so by no means am I demeaning her position. But if I had to choose I would gladly pick being established by God and knowing that He knows my name.
Knowing that He is a forgiving God. Knowing that He will never leave me nor will He forsake me. Knowing that even though I have been in the fire, that He is right there with me and that regardless of how low I may feel, that He knows my pain and will not put more on me than I can bear. He understands me and He is strength when I am weak.
While nothing is wrong with doing the work to have a blue check beside your name on your social media accounts let’s focus on doing the work to have your name in the book of life when Jesus comes back. Read the Bible, pray and strive daily to live a life that is pleasing in God’s sight…and while on social media “post-tweet-and snap things worthy of someone seeing God through your stories.
Lord I thank You that I am established! I thank You for the grace and mercy that You have shown me. God leads and guides us to strive daily to know without a shadow of a doubt that our name will have the ultimate check beside it when you call us home. I pray that we live and regardless of the four walls we show others that the church is in us. They can fellowship anywhere but allow us to give You free range to move as You see fit in our lives. In Jesus name we pray Amen.
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