My Father's Joy
NOVEMBER 10, 2020

1 Samuel 25:3
His name was Nabal and his wife’s name was Abigail. She was an intelligent and beautiful woman, but her husband was surly and mean in his dealings—he was a Calebite.
One of my favorite stories in the Bible is about the intelligent and beautiful Abigail. When we were excepting our 2nd daughter, my husband and I searched the bible for a biblical name. We settled on Abigail—meaning my father’s joy.
We all know the story of Abigail, a humble woman who was married to a wealthy scoundrel. Abigail combined her wisdom with her wealth to appear before an approaching enemy to plead for the safety of her husband’s household. David and 400 of his men were on their way to seek vengeance for Nabal’s response. One of Nabal’s servants informed Abigail of her husband’s harsh and foolish response, and of David’s intentions. Abigail’s response was very different from her husband. You see David and his men were good to the servants of Nabal. The scripture tells us that, “…Night and day they were a wall around us the whole time we were herding our sheep near them.” A disaster was looming over the household of Nabal. Abigail made stealth moves to save the servants and household. Without hesitation and not telling her husband she gathers supplies and send them to David and his men and then heads to meet the future king of Israel. One must wonder had she diffused other battles or deescalated situations due to her husband’s surly ways.
Once she meets David, without a second thought Abigail falls to her face before him, bowing to the ground. Bowing/falling at his feet, Abigail delivered a humble and heartfelt plea to spare her husband’s household. Her request was not made from a heart of fear, nor was it from a heart of anger towards her husband. Rather, while she admitted that her husband was a man of bad character, she reminded David that his life was in the hands of God. His enemies would be destroyed because of God’s justice, and his own house would endure. She only asked in return that, when God had fulfilled everything He had promised, that David remember her. Her response turned David’s heart. I’m reminded of Proverbs 15:1, “…A soft answer turns away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.” What a difference Abigail’s humble spirit/words made. David heeded Abigail’s wise word and respected her for the way she respected her husbands household; despite, his harsh ways. Her name is only named one other time as the mother of David’s second-born son.
Abigail story is refreshing and provides hope and submission and courage in the midst of pending devastation. She teaches us to not hold back, but move forward in God’s courage and wisdom. No matter how difficult the situation, God’s power within us is greater than we can ever fully see or comprehend. He is able to use any of us, even those who feel insignificant or powerless, for His greater good.
Our words and actions are more powerful than we think. Abigail knew her words and actions were powerful and carefully thought through each and every one. She understood that the bigger picture of this story was much more significant than that one moment, so she reminded David of how important it was that God was building greatness in his life, that the Lord Himself was fighting for David.
A true warrior is loyal and faithful, thinking of others before themselves. Abigail fought to protect her husband and her house. She was not thinking only of herself, but of all those she loved. She was loyal and honored God and her family in all she did. She chose to show great respect towards David, reminding him that God would bring to his life blessing and every good thing He had already promised. We must remember that we are never alone and God will fight for us, no matter the battles or struggles we face. Whether it is financial hardships, marital strife, mental challenges, we often feel we are all alone and the only person experiencing issues. We must remember God’s word, he will never leave us or forsake us, He is always with us, leading us with His Spirit of wisdom and discernment, pouring out His strength and grace, reminding us that He is the greatest power propelling us onward. We never have to stay stuck in fear or defeat, thinking that our situation will never change. As we are faithful to His word and His leadership, God can do in just a moment what may take years to work through by ourselves. Abigail’s story reminds us again that God sees the heart, and He works powerfully on behalf of those who choose to follow Him.
Father God, thank You for Your servant Abigail. Thank You for the Abigail’s of the world with wisdom, faith, intelligence and steadfastness. Give them the desire for greater gifts of hope, faith and love. Help us to serve You and remember that nothing that happens in our lives that God can’t use to restore us. You have a wonderful way of turning our messes into powerful, life-changing messages. In your mighty name we pray. Amen.
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