Let Every Anointed PUSH
Genesis 25: 21-24 (LEB)
And Isaac prayed to Yahweh on behalf of his wife, for she was barren. And Yahweh responded to his prayer, and Rebekah his wife conceived. And the children in her womb jostled each other, and she said, “If it is going to be like this, why be pregnant?” And she went to inquire of Yahweh. And Yahweh said to her, “Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples from birth shall be divided. And one people shall be stronger than the other. And the elder shall serve the younger.” And when her days to give birth were completed, then—behold—twins were in her womb.
John 16:21
A woman, when she gives birth, experiences pain because her hour has come. But when her child is born, she no longer remembers the affliction, on account of the joy that a human being has been born into the world.
It amazes me how strategic God is in His assignments. This month my word is Push and if only you knew what was going on in my life you would see how fitting this word is. As I consider the words to be spoken/written I am reminded of Rebekah, what a difficult pregnancy she was having. Her pregnancy was so hard that she even asked the question, “…why even be pregnant.”
I am a mother of three beautiful children and I can say that not every day of those pregnancies were easy. There were days that I was in so much discomfort it seemed as if it were never going to end. There were days where I wanted to cry and some days I did. Pregnancy is not always a joyful experience throughout the duration of the pregnancy. It’s the same in the spirit.
I can attest to that as well. Being pregnant in the spirit can feel just as if not more of a discomfort than in the natural. But this isn’t the hard part, the discomfort of pregnancy is not the hard part. It’s the giving birth that is the hard part. It’s the PUSHing that is the hard part. The continued PUSH through the pain, the continued PUSH through the tears it’s the continued PUSH when you don’t know when it will end. THIS is the hard part. It’s also the part that is most necessary. You’ve been carrying something in your womb for a long time. You’ve watched your spiritual belly grow and you have gone through the many days of discomfort. Like Rebekah you may be asking why be pregnant if it’s going to be like this? But also like Rebekah you are carrying something great within. What if the reason your pregnancy has been so difficult is because of the magnitude of what you are going to give birth to? Have you ever thought that God has placed something great on the inside of you bigger than even you imagined? And now after carrying this in your womb for the entire time of gestation…it’s time to PUSH!
Let every anointed PUSH the thing God has impregnated you with, out into the spirit realm. Decide that come what may you will not abort your seed and you will not miscarry. What God has birthed on the inside of you is what He needs to birthed out of you and the only way to get it out is to PUSH! You are equipped and you are anointed for this. Let this PUSH be the biggest PUSH of your life. Remembering that this PUSH may not just mean one singular PUSH. It may mean multiple but altogether it’s one. What is in you must come out. After the birth is complete, you will see that what you have given birth to was worth all of the discomfort of pregnancy and the pains of the birthing process.
After 22, 15 and 13 years I can still remember each pregnancy and delivery of my children as if it were yesterday. I remember it all, to include the pain I felt birthing them into the world. But do you know what I remember most? Seeing my babies for the first time. Having them being laid on my chest before they were even cleaned up. Hearing their first cry. I remember what it was like AFTER the birth and I can honestly say I would do it all again. Whatever God is birthing in you, it is worth it. It’s worth the tears and pain and heartache and tears. It’s worth it. It may not seem like it now but it is. So get ready, for some your time is coming, and for others your time is here. What is birthed in you must be birthed out of you so get in position and get ready to PUSH!
Father on this first day of this New Year we thank You for allowing us to see this day! We thank You that You saw fit to bless us with another year. We thank You that as we sit here today we recognize that there will come a time when You will birth something on the inside of us that needs to be birthed out. We stand ready and willing to be used by You. We present our bodies to You. We give you whatever You need from us to have You will be done. We may not fully understand and we may not like what we are going through. However, we know that this anointing was not given for no reason, and we walk in a level of strength foreign to us. We know that the PUSH that is required of us is the PUSH that we can make. We love you God and we thank You for trusting us with such precious cargo. In Jesus Name, Amen
Submitted By: Pastor Leah W. Smith (Daughter #1)
Minister Quentina W. Gregg (30 Daughters Visionary)
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