Let Every Anointed PERSEVERE
Persevere – continue in a course of action even in the face of difficulty or with little or no prospect of success.
Persevere synonyms – endure, not give up, stand firm, hold on, pursue, endure, etc…
I Corinthians 13:7, “Lover bears all things, believes all things, hope all things, endures all things.
Galatians 6:9, “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”
Romans 12:21, “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”
The first scripture could refer to God’s love for us and how it will always cover us when we need it. But it also could speak of the love of our family and friends who love and support us in any difficulties or situation we face in life.
Good things come to those who do good. Now although we should not just do good seeking a potential reward, just think of the feeling we get when we bestow kindness and blessings to others. That is one of the best gifts ever!
The final scripture is when so many things are coming at you back-to-back, it sometimes become overwhelming. It seems like it is too much to bear, one bad situation after another and then another. We must learn to face those times with our best attitude and know that we can and will stand firm and continue to do what is right even though nothing is looking positive.
Many of you will remember the flood that SC had in October of 2015, so many of us did not have flood insurance if we did not live in an area that was deemed a threat of flooding. Well, we do not live an area that was considered a flood threat. However, all but one room downstairs flooded. I have an in-home childcare center and I lost everything. I had to close for a week and follow the DHEC guidelines to clean properly and be reinspected before I could have the children come back. My parents were angels with their patience and even assisted and blessed me with some of the items I needed to replace. The only rooms that the water touched the sheetrock that needed repairing was the bathroom and laundry room. Because of the overall damage throughout the state, it was hard to get a contractor for what was considered a small job, as many people lost their entire home and everything in it. My husband and I held on and waited patiently until our contractor could get to us in February of 2016. He completed the job on the 10th.
February 24th, I left something on the stove that caused a fire, now my daycare sits underneath the kitchen, so when they put the fire out all the water leaked into the daycare, and all the new things that my parents and I had replaced were destroyed again. I was heartbroken as it was my fault and these things had just been replaced. I had to quickly get past my pity party and tell God thanks for allowing me to get five children and myself out of the house safely with no injuries or smoke inhalation. So now we must move out for repairs needed from the fire. The same night someone said to us, “This will be a test of you guys relationship.” After almost a month in a hotel our insurance found us a rental house one mile away for the duration of the repairs on our home.
Just as we thought things were going along and coming together, my husband suffered a brain bleed. I had enough, I cried out unto God, and he spoke so softly and gently to me that all would be well, so I knew I just had to stand firm and hang in there until it was over. Even though things looked bleak and discouraging, I already knew that if I could endure to the end it was all going to be okay. Six people came in within three days with aneurysms or brain bleeds and I watched as the doctors gave four of them the sad news that their loved one did not make it. Some days it was difficult, but I continued forward with the belief that he was going to make it out and that he would be okay. After 14 days in the hospital my husband was released and had no residual effect from the brain bleed. Hallelujah, but God.
Heavenly Father, tonight I come to give You thanks and honor for Your love, Your grace, and Your mercy. It is my sincere prayer that those that are reading this submission of 30 Daughters that are facing situations in their life right now that You would speak to their heart and mind. And that they will feel Your undying love for them. And that You will strengthen them to be able to endure to the end of whatever they may be going through. We know that You make no mistakes and that You come to give us an abundant life. We ask these things in the name of You Jesus, what we fail in asking please fail not in giving.
Submitted By: Pamala W. Mercer (Daughter #3)
Minister Quentina W. Gregg (30 Daughters Visionary)