In This Season...I'll Drink Water and Mind My Own Business

Proverbs 10:22 (NLT)
The blessing of the Lord makes a person rich, and he adds no sorrow with it.
Wealth is something that we all work to obtain. Physical wealth, mental wealth, and especially financial wealth are top priorities. We all want to be rich. Most of those desires stem from fixing our eyes on other people. We tend to desire the things that we see, not knowing the sacrifices that it may have taken for someone to have what they own.
Witnessing others being blessed for some may be difficult. Maybe you are not where you desire to be in life, and seeing others be elevated by God forces you to look in the mirror. Maybe you have most of the things that you need, but you do not want to see anyone experiencing God’s blessings because you see him/her as competition. These feelings are usually the motivators of confusion. They drive people to get in debt, frustration, mismanagement, and lots of confusion.
It’s so very important that we understand that in order to get everything that God has for us in this season, we have to remain focused, head strong, drink plenty of water and mind our own business. Doing this forces us to remain at the feet of God. At His feet, we receive power. When we receive power, we open ourselves up to receive wealth. We start seeing wealth in all areas of our lives. God makes us rich, without causing us to feel badly. My wealth and your wealth may be different, but they will both be blessings to others. Let your heart, mind, and soul be so fixed on what God says that nothing can move you. Let God make you rich in the areas where He sees for, and you will not have any grief about what someone else has. You will be too filled with gratitude to feel sorrow.
Closing Prayer:
God, thank You for loving us all differently but equally. You have crafted each of us to be in specific places in our lives. Help us find satisfaction and understanding in Your will being done. Help us walk in this season, knowing that You have equipped us with everything that we need. Amen.
Submitted By: Ieshia Farmer (Daughter #7)
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