Hiding in the Open
“No one can hide from God. His eyes see everything we do. We must give an answer to God for what we have done.” Hebrews 4:13 NLV
A God’s Truth Moment
I was talking to someone the other day and an incident was mentioned whereby two acquaintances from a church were noticed inside an establishment. Immediately the two began to plead that it not be told that they were there. We laughed about it at the moment, but there was an unsettling in my spirit. I made the statement “oh how we care more about what others think than what God thinks of us. Don’t they realize God sees all, and if there’s something uncomfortable about where you are or what you’re doing, the concern should be how does God feel about it.
“When you care more about what others think of you than what God knows about you, you’ve lost perspective on what really matters.” Christine Caine
God’s Truth is that no one can hide from Him. He sees everything we do, even if we fool everyone on earth, and think that we’ve gotten away with it, we didn’t fool God! We are going to give an answer to Him for what we’ve done.
Our faith in God’s existence must be of such clarity and strength that we know that we stand spiritually naked before Him in every circumstance in life. Our fear of Him should not be terror but a respect that motivates us to bring honor to Him always.
He is not our enemy but our Savior. He is striving, not to “catch us in the act,” but to spare us from the destructions of sin, which, as we saw in the example of Adam and Eve, changes the heart in an evil direction. Consider how mercifully God dealt with them when He could have destroyed them. That same, unchanging God deals with as we live before Him.
The Word of God becomes an issue because it tests our life and sets the standards of acceptable behavior and attitudes. Depending on our motives, God’s ability to “see” into our heart can be either good or bad. He will see whether our sin was one of weakness, whether we went down fighting with all our might, or whether we just casually gave in to a self-centered impulse and deliberately proceeded along the course of sin (James 1:12-16).
His Word is powerful to expose our sin, not to embarrass us, but always to bring healing. We cannot rid our lives of sin if we aren’t even aware of it. The Word cuts down to our inner thoughts and feelings, revealing to us the things that are not pleasing to God, so that we can repent of these things and receive God’s restoration.
Let us be mindful to live with our hearts exposed to God’s Word. Don’t persist in covering up what we know is not pleasing to God, so that He can heal us. Remember, God knows every sinful thought we’ll ever have, and He still sent His Son to bear the penalty our sin deserves!
Father God, I am in awe and reverence of the magnitude of who You are. You know the number of sands on the shore and call every star by name. You uniquely created every one of us down to the very last detail. The wonders of Your love are too great to understand.
Father, often times we get caught up in making our own path. We fall into the trap of thinking that we know what’s best and take drastic measures to control our lives. Forgive us for choosing our way over Yours. Help us to walk in faith knowing that You are the All-Knowing-God. When days are difficult and we struggle to understand, let Your gentle presence remind us that You see it all. You know the end from the beginning and no detail is ever missed. Our trying to cover up is futile and leaves us “hiding in the open.”
Father, we choose to rest in Your knowledge and trust in Your plans. Guide us and help us to do Your will. This is my prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen!
In His Hands,
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