Don’t Miss This Pass!
NOVEMBER 28, 2020

2 King 2:13
There are many stories in the Bible that I absolutely love, but today I was led to share this one. It is found in 2 Kings 13. In this text Elisha, while on his deathbed, extends to King Joash the opportunity to participate in an enacted prophecy that symbolized securing future victories over the Arameans. In this story King Joash minimizes his victories by his lack of doing more than enough. Perhaps because of his lack of faith or maybe his impulsive action due to anxiety and the prophet’s impending death, or maybe even because of his skepticism of the unorthodox instructions given by Elisha. Whatever his reason, he missed out on an opportunity to maximize the victory.
Why do I like this story? It reminds me:
Your anointing and assignment are not limited by your physical condition or personal circumstances.
Don’t miss this pass! When God throws you a victory, (visualize football) position yourself and catch it. Follow the play by play, and do what it takes to maximize your victory.
Go big: God promises abundance, increase, growth, and overflow so seize it; we have the power to maximize our victory by giving it all we have.
This story reminds us that we can play a role in maximizing the victories God has granted us. Too often we as people either concede to defeat early on in a process or get “just enough” results because we do the minimal. Here we find King Joash goes to the prophet Elisha on his deathbed and laments over him. It is evident that the King valued Elisha’s presence and valued his position as a faithful prophet to his kingdom despite the fact that he was not a King that followed Gods teachings. As a matter of fact, he continued in the sinful traditions of his lineage. Elisha then offers the King an opportunity to walk by faith and partake in victories granted by God as his final act for the kingdom. Elisha, in what appears to be a last stitch effort to turn the Kings heart, shows the King that God is the one who gives victory and strength by leading him in this hand over hand demonstration of shooting the arrow, encouraging him to have faith.
The instructions while not practical were easy to follow. The King follows the first set without hesitation. “Take the bow in your hands, open the east window, and shoot. Elisha then explains the meaning of each arrow of deliverance. He also provides clear understanding of the victory and annihilation of the opposing army by saying “you shall smite the Syrians in Aphek till you consume them.” By the second part of instructions, he was to strike the ground with the arrows, notice that Elisha’s hands at this point, are removed and now the maximizing potential is in his own hands. Despite hearing that they would smite Syria till they were consumed the King haphazardly strikes the arrows on the ground.
Now wait a minute, Here he is provided the opportunity to use faith, follow instruction, and make a great impact for the nation in the future and he wastes it. His actions show that he was merely following instructions but had not considered how many more battles they would encounter in the future, or what more could be accomplished by faith and going above and beyond the instructions.
One of the things I think about right here, is following a recipe. I love to cook. I will google a recipe in a minute. I usually start by following every ingredient and step accurately, I have to think and imagine what I desire it to taste like. Usually, after I stick to the recipe, I enhance and even add the flavors or other ingredients that my family and I enjoy. That could be adding garlic, meat, or cheese, or in a dessert it could be almond extract or imitation vanilla or cinnamon. I think you get the picture. I don’t just follow the instructions but I seek to tweak it to my family’s preferences and taste buds.
In this story, King Joash had an opportunity to be victorious for many years to come and to utterly destroy the Syrian army but because he chose only to strike the arrows three times on the ground the prophecy from the man of God won’t come to full fruition. Wow, this also reminds me how we limit God because of our limited faith and mindset. How many times has God thrown us a pass labeled victory but because of our limited faith and thinking the fullness of it never manifested or became reality? Example the prophet said to you, start the business “now’’ but you didn’t see the resources as enough or it wasn’t good timing for your plan. So it’s still an idea or a rough draft and nothing more.
Personally I think of how many books I have on my computer I have worked on for years and never released because the conditions in my life were not ideal, my financial resources were limited, and also for fear of the peoples response to my truth. King Joash’ actions guaranteed only three victories. Elisha then is angered by the lack of defensive thinking that the young King displays. Also can you imagine how the King as he grew older and more mature will remember the opportunity that he missed because he didn’t go the extra mile for a country that he loved? Or if he would spend years seeking out another opportunity to receive a powerful word from God and do things differently? This story leaves many things to ponder and many things to reflect on although I only chose a few. It encourages me to remember to keep my eyes on God, my ears open, and my spirit in the position of obedience to ensure I don’t miss the next pass He throws my way.
The other day as I was in radiation as a part of my final weeks of treatment before ringing the bell, I overheard someone ring the bell. The bell is symbolic of completing chemotherapy and/or radiation treatment. It is a celebration of a milestone and accomplishment during one’s cancer journey and for some a declaration of beating cancer. It has become a beacon of hope for many of us cancer fighters and survivors’. Anyways, when I heard them ring the bell, I recognized that the person only rung it three times. I wondered why only three. I have always joked and said when I ring it I’m gonna ring it til it comes off the wall. I never considered that maybe that’s all the strength they had left after treatments to ring it, which is for some a very true reality. At any rate, it causes me to reflect on my own reality and mindset. I refuse to settle, and I believe in our ability to see and be greater. I want to maximize every situation and make room for greater. It’s not something I have mastered, but it is something I try to use as a magnifying glass, in my every day thought process. It’s what I encourage in all of us, that we don’t just pray and believe God for victory but that we will maximize it by doing all that we have the ability to do spiritually and naturally, that not only will it manifest but it will exist for the lifetime of generations beyond our own.
Heavenly Father we thank You for every opportunity that You give us to maximize our position of Victory. We thank You for those who You send to speak into our lives, teach us and to help us grow according to Your word. We thank You that You will get the glory out of our life and Your purpose will prevail. Now Father we ask that in this season, that You help us to be alert and not miss the passes of Victory that You throw to us. Help us to seize opportunities and position ourselves to receive Your deliverance and the victories You have for us in every area of our lives. Whether it be victory in our minds, hearts, families, businesses, healings, or whatever, we will play our part. We thank You for enlightenment and grace for this journey. It is to You we give all honor and all praise. In the matchless name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior we pray. Amen & Amen
Submitted By: Evangelist Tracy McGriff (Daughter #28)
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