David and Goliath
NOVEMBER 25, 2020

This is just one of the Bible Stories that I can call a favorite. This story embodies faith and favor. If you remember, this story is about a giant over nine feet tall and a shepherd boy. David’s father sent him to check on his brothers and in the process David walks up on this big, ugly giant called Goliath.
Goliath, because of his mammoth size, felt as though he was invincible. He did not think that any man could defeat him. He was down there selling wolf-tickets to the Israelites. What we would call today, a bully. He drew the line in the sand and dared the Israelites to cross it. Both sides would come to the line day after day and talk trash to each other.
Though he was young, and Saul thought he was an inexperienced boy, David proved that with God you can win no matter the size of the opponent.
Saul wanted David to wear his battle gear but David decided against that and chose only to use 5 smooth stones and a slingshot. David was not relying on his own strength but he was totally depending on God. He said to Goliath, you come against me with spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord.
What I really love about David is the confidence that he had in God. Because of the faith that he had, David was able to see beyond the giant and see God. And we, like David, must be able to look at the circumstances of life and see more than just the problem or the struggle. We have got to be able to see our God who is able to defeat the enemies in our lives and bring us out alright.
David had no confidence in Sauls’ military uniform and weaponry. David preferred to use what he knew would work. David wanted to use the weapons that he was familiar with. And most times, we stand a better chance of being victorious if we use the weapons that God has given us to win with.
For David it was a rag and a rock. For us, it is the WORD of GOD. The power we need for spiritual warfare is the WORD of God. The rock that we stand on against our Goliath is the WORD of God. And the sling shot we will use to defeat our demons is the Word of GOD.
I thoroughly believe, like David, that the God we serve is able to fight for us and win. We have the favor of God on our side. What will be required from us is to have faith and confidence in our God. Dare to see beyond what you see with your natural eyes, trust God and let the WORD do the work.
Heavenly Father, You are our fortress, our shield and our buckler. You are our only hope in this world of evil and wickedness. You are the everlasting God and we put our hope in You. God we are counting on You to help us fight this battle and win. We are confident that the work that You started in us You will complete it. Give us spiritual vision like David. Give us faith like David. And then God protect and cover us. In Jesus Name, Amen.
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