Brokenness Used by God
“The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; He delivers them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”
A God’s Truth Moment
This Truth was dropped into my spirit as I sat listening to the speaker of the moment during a 5-Min Fill-up
Revival. The speaker referenced a saying “broken crayons color too,” meaning that even during times of
brokenness, we can still be used by God for His glory.
We all have at some time been broken, some more than others. Trials and unexpected tribulations can wear us
out, leaving us feeling depleted, unless and unworthy with nothing left to give.
During my personal experiences, even when I had hit rock bottom, God met me in those dark broken places. He
patiently spoke worth in me, building me over again. And in hindsight, I realized the value of brokenness. There
are some things God will only do in us when we are broken.
When we are broken, we are open and more willing to listen to God. He uses this moment to reveal defects in
our character that would be difficult for us to see otherwise. Once we are willing to see those flaws, we now are
able to ask God to make us whole.
I was reminded of Peter’s denial of Christ. The bible says he “went out and wept bitterly.” (Luke 22-54-62) In
his sorrow, Peter was able to see himself as he was. When he realized his flaw, he was convicted, and broken in
spirit. His brokenness led to true repentance, and God was able to use him mightily.
When I was first asked to start blogging for our church website, I fell into comparing myself to others that had
written blogs. I would see all the wonderful posts and think how those bloggers seemed to have this deep walk
with God, and all their (I)s dotted, and their (T)s crossed. And here I was just trying to figure myself out.
It made me wonder how God was going to use me in this capacity when here I am with all these issues in my
life. Who am I to write and give others encouragement or teach anyone anything when I have made so many
mistakes in my life. I knew that God uses the weak and the broken. I’ve read stories in the bible of Him doing
just that. Yet I wasn’t thinking of Him using me when He could have used anyone else.
It was during a time of reflection that God spoke through His Word to let me know it is because of the mistakes
that He used me, not in spite of them. (see 2 Cor. 12:10) It’s the weakness and brokenness and mistakes that
gives us a voice to reach people who may feel like they are stuck in their brokenness.
Throughout the bible God used broken vessels, weak people, imperfect people, the flawed, the messed up to
accomplish His will. No one is too broken for God. We all have broken pieces and God uses all of our broken
pieces, put them together again in ways only He could to mold us into what He knows we can be.
He uses our brokenness to makes us perfect vessels only He can work through and use. And we are used when
we make ourselves available.
Let us be mindful it is not about us or what we can do. It’s about God and what He can and will do through us
even in our brokenness. “Broken Crayons Color Too!”
Lord, I thank You for using the broken things of this world, because we all are broken in one way or another.
Help us to accept and embrace the moments when we are broken in spirit, that we seek You in the middle of our
brokenness. It is in our brokenness that through You, we are made strong.
May our prayer be totally focused on You, and only You! In Jesus’ Name. Amen!
In His Hands,
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