“And the Lord spoke to Jonah a second time. Jonah obeyed the word of the Lord and went to Nineveh.” Jonah 3:1,3
A God’s Truth Moment
My being in service on that Sunday was no coincidence or accident, but all in God’s plan for me. (see Jer. 29:11) God used Pastor Hicks to speak a message He had spoken to Jonah over 2000 years ago. And it wasn’t what he had planned on preaching that Sunday. How did I know that? Pastor Hicks stated “this is not what I have scripted, but I’m being obedient to the Holy Spirit. Then he came out of the pulpit, stood in front of the pew where I sat and preached what thus said
the Lord. Just look at God! He is so INTENTIONAL!
It seems as though he read that scripture at least ten times, even though I know he didn’t. And at one point, it seemed as if I was the only one in service. Where is everyone? Even though I wasn’t.
Give me grace oh God to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. Amen! Then the flood gates opened.
I was asked to become a contributor of a devotional blog writing once a month. That’s when God gave me this scripture “I have skilled you, now are you willing to do the work?” (see Exodus 35:35)
Next came an opportunity to be a speaker for a service, then the opportunity to lead a bible study, then contribute to the church’s inspirational blog. And now a weekly morning study. Do you see God’s hand in all this?
And, when you are willing to do God’s will, God is at work in you by His Holy Spirit to accomplish His will! Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father. (Colossians 3:17, NASB)
“And the Lord spoke to Jonah a second time, then Jonah obeyed…” unlike Jonah, we should obey God immediately, do it right away, the first time asked. And be cheerful about it! Do it with a happy heart, no complaints. True obedience isn’t half-hearted or done complaining. It is as much about the heart as it is about the action. And we must do exactly what is asked.
I am continually humbled, yet grateful that God wants to use me for His glory. I know that in and of myself I can do nothing, but through God, He allows me to do all things according to His will and His way. I am striving to always have a yes mentality without hesitation when it comes to God. I am a work in progress!
Heavenly Father, in the marvelous name of Jesus, I say thank You for being the God who uses whomever He desires to bring Him glory. I honor, praise and glorify You for being King of kings and Lord of lords. I offer my life to You as a living sacrifice to do Your will. My desire is to honor You with every gift and every talent You have given me. God, I thank You for the new seasons of growth You’re bringing in my life. You always have better- new doors of opportunity, new relationships, and new levels of favor. Yes, it may seem uncomfortable, but I know You love me too much to just leave me to myself. Whatever I am capable of doing, I must do it with all of my might. Help me to always bring glory and honor to You in Jesus’ Name.
In His Hands,
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