Armed and Dangerous

2 Corinthians 10:4-6 (NKJV)
“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled. “
The weapons of our warfare are not carnal…The weapons of our warfare are not carnal…We have weapons and they are not carnal. We have been armed with what is needed to fight a fight invisible to the natural eye. We have been chosen to carry the arsenal of weapons here on Earth for The Most High. We have been assigned weapons, handed artillery, given ammunition and still some are afraid to shoot. We have been trying to take matters into our own hands and ended up worse off than when we started. We have been trying to use carnal weapons in a spiritual battle.
Have you ever wondered why things just don’t seem to be getting better in some situations? Why this problem, or that problem, or that things just doesn’t seem to want to turn around. Have you ever thought that maybe your enemy doesn’t feel the shots that you are shooting at him or that he is just not affected? It’s like being in the middle of a gun fight and you have a water gun. You’re not going to do too much damage there, Huh?
This is how we are in the spirit realm sometimes. The enemy is continuing to wreak havoc and we stand by trying to figure out how and why. Have we ever stopped to think that maybe we are not using the right weapons, or could it be that we are too scared to pull the trigger?
Beloved, God wouldn’t give us anything to use that would be ineffective. Every weapon He has assigned to us has a use, and if used properly, can and will do damage, destroy, and annihilate the kingdom of darkness. We have been placed here on Earth to be representatives of Christ but we can’t be afraid to represent Him.
“Being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience if fulfilled,” being ready to pull the trigger when God says, “Get the gun.” We are fighting a fight where we already know the outcome. We are in the middle of a war that we already won! This should make fighting all the easier. I challenge you today to do an inventory, an inventory on all of the weapons that you have been assigned and see how many are active. How many times have you taken that sword (of the Spirit) out of its sheath and used it? How much have you prayed with all prayer and supplication? How many times have you joined forces with other believers, how often have you fasted? How many of your weapons still have dust on them because they have never been used or haven’t been used in a long time? Let me tell you this, its time. It is time for us to use everything God has given us. We are armed, let us be dangerous too!
Lord, help your children! Help us in this fight. Help us to not be afraid to fight. Help us to trust You in the midst of this fight and help us to trust all that You have given us in equipping us to fight. Lord we understand that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal. We know that they are mighty in You for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against Your knowledge and bringing every thought into captivity to Your obedience. Let us be always ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled. We need you Lord, to help us to fight. We want to do damage to the kingdom of darkness. We want to shake the very foundation of Hell. We want the demons to know our name. We want to be effective in Your kingdom oh God! We thank you for entrusting us with Your weapons to do Your will for Your glory, in Your fight! We believe these things to already be done. In Jesus Name.
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