Are We Believing What We’re Telling Others?
A God’s Truth Moment:
My morning walk started out in this manner. When I got to the track, I realized I had my airpods, but not the phone for listening to music. I always have my phone when I walk. So, it was not intentional on my part, but of God, DEFINITELY! Normally there are at least 4 other walkers during my walk, but not this morning! There was only one person on the track and by the time I made the 2nd lap, that walker had gone, leaving me all alone. As I said to myself “this is unusual” I realized this was an intentional moment by God. He wanted to get my attention. no distractions: no people, no music, just me and the Spirit of God. I didn’t see it coming; therefore, I didn’t expect it. But I’m so glad He did it.
I was taken back when I heard “Are you believing what you’re telling others?” You see this wasn’t the first time God has asked this question of me. Last year as a friend and I talked through some things that were going on, we encouraged each with God’s Truths. A few days later I heard in my spirit “Are you believing what you’re telling others?” And God began to impress upon my heart that it’s all good and dandy to encourage someone else with His Truths, but am I standing on His Truths for myself when trials or inconveniences come my way? OUCH, Lord! But, thank You.
It’s so easy to forget God’s presence and power when we are faced with uncertain and difficult times. It’s in these times we should encourage ourselves as to who God is and who He says we are.
Last week some things were happening in my life that I was allowing to make me feel overwhelmed. I even dared to ask God, “Why me?” There are others that can do this, shouldn’t they handle this? The only response that I sensed was, “Why not me!” I have almost everything I need to be able to do what needs to be done; time, transportation, contacts, ability to do research if needed. The one thing I lacked, a whole-hearted desire to do it. OUCH, Lord! But thank You.
You see we oftentimes will spew God’s Truths to encourage our families, friends, even people we just met, but when we need encouraging and there’s no one around to bring to remembrance God’s Truths to us, oh how quickly we forget. We must have faith to believe His Truths works for us as well. We must minister to ourselves, encourage ourselves in the Lord.
When we encourage someone saying “God will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear,” do we remember to stand on this truth when temptation comes to us?
Whatever situation, issue, problem or life lesson you’re able to encourage others with, are you believing that Truth to be able to stand when your situation, issue, problem, or life lesson comes at you? “I can do all things through Christ which gives me strength,” “No weapon formed against me shall prosper,” “God will never leave you nor forsake you,” “He know the plans He has for you…..plans to prosper and not to harm, plans to give you a hope and future.” “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God.” These are just a fragment of the many, many, many, wonderful Truths God has promised, AND YET – “Are we believing what we’re telling others?!”
Our Father in Heaven, we thank You for the blessings of life and health. Thank You for allowing us to have the opportunity to be in Your presence again today. You are our provider, our maker and our protector. Because of Your goodness, we are alive and healthy enough to worship You. Holy God, we commit all of our deeds to you and ask that everything we do be done for Your glory. Oh, how we sometimes forget that Your blessings and promises are for all Your children. Father forgive us when our actions display that we’re not believing Your Truths that we are sharing with others. Your Word is a lamp to give light wherever we walk. Thank You God for all the teachable moments You allow in our lives. They are moments that You’ve ordained to propel us forward in sanctification. Thank You for the opportunity to move forward, for it is in You that we live and move, that we exist.
We love, honor and adore You our God, our Savior, our Redeemer. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen!
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