“He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.” 2 Corinthians 1:4
A God’s Truth Moment
This morning as I sat in my usual spot (at the table), mind racing over so much that’s happening in my life, I began to feel an ache in my heart. This time of year, when the sun shines so bright, and there’s a soft breeze, with the sound of others in their yards, I seem to miss him the most. He loved being outside in the yard or tinkering in the shed. I see him so clearly walking back and forth from the garage to the shed. Dimples so deep that he always seemed to be smiling.
My response this morning was so emotional, and I was so focused on myself that I didn’t consider someone else whose husband recently transitioned due to complications from the virus. God was intentionally using this time of reflection exactly where He wanted it to be used. I received a text from this person stating she was going to need me to share my strength with her.
I so remember those dark days and lonely nights. But now, I can focus on God’s care for me. He covered me with His blanket of love to help me during the toughest time of my life. And I can and will use that same comfort to comfort her.
All around us are people in need, and sometimes we have to set aside our own feelings and agendas to help them. One way we can do that is to remember how God has comforted us in our trials and troubles “so that we can comfort those with the comfort we ourselves receive from God” (2 Cor. 1:4).
It is so easy to be engrossed in our own concerns and forget that someone right next to us or just a phone call away might need a prayer, a word of comfort, or a hug. God is always right there with us to see us through no matter the situation.
Let us purpose in our hearts that comfort received should be comfort shared!
Lord God, help me to see where help is needed, and help me to provide that help as best I can. Thank You for the comfort You give. As You comfort me, I want to share that comfort with someone else in need. I bless You in Jesus’ Name. Amen!
In His Hands,
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