Answering The End of the Cause
NOVEMBER 16, 2020

Esther 4:16 (NLT)
Go, gather together all the Jews who are in Susa, and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my attendants will fast as you do. When this is done, I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish.
As all of us, Esther was born with purpose. Her Hebrew name was Hadassah which means Myrtle. It is a fitting symbol of the recovery and establishment of God’s promises. As we will see Esther was used to answer the end of the cause for which God had called her. Her answer to this God cause was a Kingdom call.
Esther lived as a peasant girl whose life was transformed into a life of pleasantry as the wife of a king who chose her for her beauty. In His divine providence God had already made the way for Esther to wear that crown. He had a plan for her life to be used as an instrument of righteousness to defeat Haman’s evil plot. A lesson we need to learn today of how to admire the foresight of God.
She was raised by her uncle Mordecai due to the death of her parents. Mordecai was a man that believed in worshiping God; he raised Esther to do likewise without regret. She also was told not to disclose her nationality or kindred. At the divinely appointed time Esther’s people needed her to employ and activate that Godly training on their behalf. Her faith, strength, and courage rose to the task willingly. When we worship and work God will war and win for us.
Disturbance occurred in the king’s palace with Vashti, his then wife, which greatly displeased the king. His displeasure made room for Esther. As a word of encouragement right here to each of us: “Don’t bring displeasure to the King.” You might forfeit your Kingdom blessings. Without this disturbance Esther would have no need to be given opportunity to become Mrs. Ahasuerus.
Esther was summoned to the palace grounds to make preparations to personally meet the king. She was not alone, many other beautiful young girls were summoned as well. Vashti was about to be replaced by one of these young ladies. It took a year of preparation before these ladies would come before the kings. The king’s favorite eunuch, Hegai, favored Esther above the other ladies so he purposely gave her the best apartment on the palace grounds and assigned himself to her care. Whatever you desire baby girl your wish is my command! Lord where are the eunuchs these days; a trustworthy man with no personal agenda?
Can you imagine being in preparation an entire year before being ready to meet a king? I was trying to make a mental list but was unsuccessful with a year-long list! Now my list of preparation to meet King Jesus is another thing. I pray we’ll all be ready to meet Him! The time has come to meet the king; Esther could take anything she desired from the harem into the king’s palace. She decided to take only what her eunuch suggested, He knew the king; Esther was about to meet the king. She wanted to go in order.
When the king saw her it was the omega of the meeting. He loved her more, extended his favor and grace, had the crown placed on her head and a seat by the king. Even though that crown was placed on her head she didn’t let it get in her head. She remembered her humble beginnings and upbringing.
Mordecai’s refusal to reverence Haman’s promotion, Xerxes right hand man, stirred up fire in Haman to the point of requesting a decree to destroy all the Jews in the king’s provinces. The king granted the request, Mordecai made it known to Esther what was about to happen to her people. Still the king did not know that his new wife was a Jew and about to be annihilated according to signet ring on the most recent decree. Esther knew she was not supposed to show herself to the king unannounced and she reminded Mordecai of that. Can you image Mordecai sending her a response that sounded like this: Gal you better pray ‘cause we ‘bout to die up in here, up in here! I’m not bowing to Haman at any cost but no need for all the Jews to die on the account of me.
Mordecai let her know that she was not going to escape death because she too was a Jew. Girl if you don’t speak up, deliverance is coming for the Jews from another place but we are as good as lamb chops. Perhaps you came to your royal position for such a time as this. Esther got herself together and called for a fast among all her people all over the provinces of the king.
After the fast she approached the king who received her uninvited and unannounced then offered her whatever she desired. After two dinner invitations with her husband and Haman she revealed Haman’s true character to the king. It was ordered that Haman be hung on the gallows he prepared for Mordecai. Look at God bringing deliverance to His people via a purposeful divinely ordered risk of Esther just showing up.
But the cause was not yet complete. Haman is doomed to death but the decree is still alive and must be killed by reversal of the decree. Esther requested what was not the normal way of doing things. Her human king promised to give her whatever she desired and her spiritual King promised to protect His people. The Jews were scheduled to die but God rescheduled them to live and wipe out their enemies who wanted them dead. The Jews received the beauty of life for their ashes of mourning and a garment of praise for a threat of death. Their celebration of deliverance from genocide while in exile in the Persian Kingdom resulted in the Feast of Purim.
The end of the Cause is the joy and celebration of Freedom and Victory never to be forgotten!
To the Omniscience, Omnipotent and Omnipresent God, thank You for knowing that in the end we win. Your presence and power are ever present to demonstrate Your Supernatural workings on our behalf right on time. Help us to be willing to answer the end of the cause even if it calls for a risk in Jesus name, AMEN!
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